Chendi Cao

Chendi Cao

曹晨迪 (Chow Chen Dee)

PhD student at Kansas State University

I’m a PhD student at Computer Science, Kansas State University. I work on the Dam Safety project under Cyber-Physical Systems lab (CPS). My advisor is Mitchell L. Neilsen. Proir to my study as a computer science PhD student, I completed my master of science degree in statistics. I worked with Weixing Song at Statistics, Kansas State University.

Email: caocd at ksu dot edu

2021.02. Paper accepted by the Computation.
2020.11. Paper accepted by the CSCI2020.
2019.05. Software engineer internship at ANSYS, Inc.
2019.11. Paper accepted by the CSCI2019.
2018.10. Paper accepted by the CAINE2018.
2018.08. Software enginner internship at CASCO singnal Ltd.
2018.07. PhenoApps hackathon at Cornell University.
2017.05. Paper accepted by the CSC2017.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Scientific Computing
  • Computer Vision
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2020

    Kansas State University

  • MSc in Statistics, 2016

    Kansas State University

  • BSc in Statistics, 2013

    Kansas State University